The Van Gogh Museum contains the all the highly praised works of the world famous painter Vincent van Gogh and this museum has the world’s largest collection of his artworks. The collection includes van Gogh’s world famous paintings like Sunflowers, The Potato Eaters, Almond Blossom etc. The main high lights and the must see paintings during the van Gogh museum tour are discussed below.
The Potato Eaters
Van Gogh created this master piece in 1885. This composition has delicate composition which proves the great talent of van Gogh. The painting portrays the harsh reality of country life. To do justice to the life of people which he depicted in the picture, he gave the peasants coarse faces and bony working hands. Through this picture he wanted to that say they worked hard to earn their living. The message of this was very important to van Gogh than the correct anatomy or technical perfection. He used earth colors in this paintings which is dull to represent the hard life of peasants and the color choice of van Gogh in this painting drew considerable criticism as the colors used in this portrait is dark and there were mistakes with the figures in this picture. Yet this painting has become one of the most famous works of van Gogh today.
Almond Blossom
This painting was created in 1890. The picture shows large almond blossom branches against a blue sky. It was one of Van Gogh’s favorite subjects. Almond trees flower during the spring season and this makes them a symbol of new life. Van Gogh created this painting as a gift to his brother and sister-in-law who just had a baby. This baby was named after van Gogh as Vincent Willem and later on he was the one who made the Van Gogh Museum.
The painting was created in 1889 and it became one of the most famous paintings of van Gogh. Van Gogh painted five large canvases depicting sunflowers in a pot. The painting has sunflowers which are painted in different shades of yellow. No other colors were used in this painting and through this he showed that it is possible to create a painting with different shades of the same color. This painting is one of the most adored paintings of van Gogh all around the world and one among the top attractions during the van Gogh museum tour.